
Showing posts from July, 2019

Sitael Angel 3nd Prayer

Sitael the third angel among the Seraphim angels , represents and regulates the power of expansion, the gift of making everything fruitful. It gives its protégés a great idealism, together with a useful practical sense. This means that all of their ideas will come true. The person must not limit himself to manifesting his ideas, but he will also have the means to implement them. One can appeal to this Angel to overcome difficulties and adversities of all kinds and to make the powerful appear magnanimous and generous towards us. Guaranteed success in industrial activities or construction. The promises made will be kept. Also successful in the field of Laws. With Sitael Prayer our Karma can be eliminated. Sitael Prayer Allow me, Lord, to recognize what was once my brothers, my friends, my companions, my opponents. Those I loved, those I hated, to create new hope together. Put me sitael in the heart of the conflict, in the eye of the cyclone, so that Your Love, which drops drop b...

Ariel Angel 46 Prayer

Ariel Birth Angel of people born in November 8 to 12. Ariel Guardian Angel is a dispenser of Venusian and solar energies. According to tradition, it is invoked to see the future in advance. It is called the revealing God, and to help us realize our dreams, it can make us discover hidden treasures. Gold, coins, banknotes, are only condensed light. If we have, we can implement our projects much more quickly. the prayers addressed to this Angel mainly concern requests for material goods, which will allow them to act more effectively and easily. Divine work is the visible material world and God cares for the success of creation. The people protected by Ariel will be able to make a very important spiritual and material discovery that will change their lives because it will give them new possibilities. This angel helps to thank God for the goods he sends us. Facilitates the discovery of hidden treasures. Reveal the secrets of nature through dreams and find objects that disappear. You will...

Asaliah Angel 47 Prayer

Asaliah Birth Angel of people born in November 13 to 17. Mercurian angel of the sun, defined by the tradition Angel of Justice and truth. Which is fully accurate (truth is solar energy and justice is the energy of Mercury). In concrete terms, the person can successfully perform intellectual tasks, because the Angel will intensely illuminate his intellect and his thoughts. The energies of the Sun and of Mercury acting in concert dispel negative thoughts and erroneous judgments from the mind. The memory is prodigiously reinforced. With excellent memory and clear ideas, the person will find useful solutions to all problems and will carry out his projects. Praying this Angel does very well, like praying all the Guardian Angels. Everything is possible with the help of our Guardian Angel who loves us passionately. This Angel helps to have knowledge of the laws of God and to raise the conscience to Him. It helps to discover the truth in the processes, to reach the goals and the constructiv...

Mihael Angel 48 Prayer

Mihael Birth Angel of people born in November from 18 to 22. This Angel governs the lunar energies within the solar choir. Orients married life, is the fertilizing agent par excellence. He can solve cases of sterility (people born in these days can pray him at any time, while all the others can do it on the Sunday day of Raphael the Arcangel). People who have this Angel as a Custodian will be able to establish harmonious and profound relationships with others. They will be happy and full of images, anecdotes, love adventures that will enrich. According to the traditional text, this Angel loves that people travel a lot and enjoy all the pleasures of spiritual and material life. Mihael helps to preserve peace and unity among the spouses. It protects people who become light, who have favorable premonitions or omens. It gives the inspiration to unlock the secrets and everything that needs to be discovered. It facilitates healthy species generation, friendship and loyalty. The individual...